
18 October 2008

dreamy dress

When I booked my session with this family the mom told me that before we did some family pictures she would like some pictures of her daughter in a vintage lace dress. I was super excited because I love clothes and it makes me excited for people to be photographed in clothes that have a story or even better clothes that tell a story.

This dress was made for the mom when she was three by her mother and now sweet little R is getting to wear it too. I thought it looked like a dream.

This little guy was so funny! Adorable and a great personality.

A beautiful family.

Thanks for a fun morning and showing me such an awesome spot.

13 October 2008

my parents

I have been after my parents for a few years to let me take some pictures of them, but with grandkids and fun to be had it just hasn't ever happened.
Until last week. We went to Hot Springs for a short visit and a very short photo shoot.

I'm not sure if my dad would agree, but it was really fun.

Today my parents are celebrating their 30th wedding anniversary.
Thanks for loving each other and Happy Anniversary!

08 October 2008

those eyes

I took pictures of this adorable family last week.

They have three beautiful blue eyed girls and a fourth will join them in the next few months.

I could hardly stand to make and of the pics black and white because their eyes are so unbelievable.

Thanks for letting me be a part of your visit.