
29 March 2010

iheartfaces-dramatic b&w

I just came across this blog (iheartfaces) and they do a weekly photo contest.This week you can enter a dramatic b&w. I picked this pic because I just printed it last week for this sweet mama in a 16x20 and it is beautiful. These two are so precious and crazy about each other- i ♥ that!

27 March 2010

people i know (little rock, AR family photographer)

It is always a treat to photograph someone that I know pretty well. We have known this couple for around 8 years and I adore them, and their sweet little one.
I have always loved the way these two are with each other. The way they look at each other and talk to and about each other is sugary sweet and a treat to see.

And these eyes....GORGEOUS!

19 March 2010


I am in a construction phase here on my blog. I have changed it up a lot today and plan on working on it this next week while on vacation. If you usually look through a reader stop by my blog sometime in the next few days, I am excited about the changes.
This is a picture of my brother and his family. We shot on a very cold morning in December and I just realized that I never shared from this session.....more of this and others COMING SOON.

15 March 2010

senior times 3 (NLRHS Senior Photographer)

On Saturday I had the pleasure of shooting with these 3 seniors, TRIPLETS! If you know me very well you know that I am very fascinated by multiples and I really love shooting with seniors, so this was a treat.

We found some new places downtown and worked hard to get a lot done in a little bit of time, the sunset shut us down.
PS. I love daylight savings! We missed it by 1 day.

I am so excited for these 3 and all they get to experience in the next 6 months.

08 March 2010

sunny {little rock, AR couples photographer}

i had originally scheduled this couple for two weeks ago, but if you remember 2 Sundays ago was a rainy/stormy day so we rescheduled for yesterday. it was so fun that after the yucky day we had originally planned for that yesterday was 70 degrees and sunny-beautiful! we met downtown amongst the marathon traffic and enjoyed walking around in the awesome springtime weather.

i LOVE the shadows in this next picture. i really love shadows that work with you, but it might also have to do with what a joy it is to finally see the sun.

had a great time with you guys, thanks for sharing the afternoon with me.