
08 February 2014

i love 8

Peter & Darby, married 3 years

About four years ago, I told myself and God “If this is where you want me to be, I’m going to be here.” And, here we are. We celebrated 3 years of marriage January 27th, this year.
Before January 27th, 2011 I was pretty good at starting things and not finishing them. Or, just never getting around to it. I’m fighting that guy to this day. Being successful at anything worthwhile is hard work. I told myself, that day, that if anything was worth giving my all, it was you. And, God knew that.
I love you… So much so, that it’s hard to comprehend. At my deepest, truest and worst my heart longs for you. Thank you for the way you love me.

We just celebrated our third year of marriage at the end of January. It doesn’t sound like a long time but I feel like we have covered years and years of ground already. Our wedding gifts are showing wear, and, so are our hearts. We are being molded and looking back I can love that. Our babies are perfect. No matter what the days (or the nights) hold, your love shows me everything good.
God parted the waters for us. My biggest, most impossible dream has come true. Everything else is a bonus. I take this gift for granted, but when I sit down and remember our story, oh my goodness I am amazed.  I am thankful for you; for you changing my life, for your enthusiastic love, for your desires, your ability to father like no other, your acceptance of me, your thirst for our future and let me stop here because I could go on and on and on. Let’s always tell each other these things, okay? I like this a lot.
Peter, I love you.
Always, always I love you,

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