prints and cards and holiday deadlines

 i am truly blown away by the fact that it is November and that in 2 short weeks it will be Thanksgiving. like most of you it has sneaked up on me and it is time to make some Christmas orders.
here are some Christmas card options. these options can be mixed and matched and slightly customized into 4x6 or 5x7 flat or folded cards (a 4x6 flat card can be mailed as a postcard with $0.28 postage). all sides of the cards are press printed and can include a combination of photos and text. we have already designed the Chinos card and so Alison was nice enough to let me use their photos for my templates.

Cards include envelopes and are sold in sets of 25
flat cards.....$2 per card
folded cards......$3 per card

i  have a few other Christmas card options that include a 4x8 photo card, a low res digital image, and discounted me for info.
*cards take approximately 1 week and all other print orders take around 2 weeks, the expected time extends the closer we get to Christmas.
* i will be out of town 11/15-11/18 and will not take orders during that time.
*orders for Christmas must be in by December 11th (that is 1 month from today)


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