chinos in colorado

 Alison and i have talked for a long time about doing their family pictures at a campground with the pop-up. It never seems to work when we are trying to plan fall photos around football, soccer, school and so on. When we decided to tag along on the chino family camp trip this summer it felt like the perfect opportunity.
I love to tell a family's story when I take their pictures. To walk away and feel like you would know them better or at all just by seeing the images. It is a perfect thing to me when that story is told by a look, personality, clothes, location....and even better when the worlds all come together.
That is what this session is for me. It tells a story of this family and captures them as who they are (except maybe Cole's shirt...not his fav).
They are a family who knows each other and loves to be together. A family who laughs together and rolls eyes at each other.
A family who loves the outdoors, Colorado, gear, Chacos and their camper.
They are a family i love.


sarabethjones said...

love love LOVE.

Anonymous said...

Love, love, love, that our family camper
Is in these photos and the Chinos' are enjoying it like we did!

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