girls just want to have fun (arkansas children's photographer)

 When I spoke to this mama about taking pictures of her soon to be three year old I was very excited about some plans we had. She said her daughters favorite thing is dressing up and reading and she wanted to take photos that incorporated that. Being a mom of only boys I get pumped about a little girl time and this was girl time to the max. There were tutus and necklaces and even a little makeup to play with. We played with high heals and boas while this sweet baby girl sang along to Adele, she knows all the her!
It is rare for me to need or want to shoot indoor other than newborns and weddings, but the 100+ temperatures outside is not ideal. After weighing our options I was able to use my friends salon to take the photos. It is Salon on the Hill in Park Hill and was a perfect backdrop for an evening of dress up.
Thanks so much for letting me have all this fun with you guys.

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