in-laws in boots (arkansas couples photographer)

country outfitter, giveaway, couple, rain
When we signed up for the AR women blogger's conference and were offered the amazing boots from Country Outfitter I was crazy jealous that Alison would be getting a second pair of boots, she had already received a pair at Bean to Blog. I asked her what she would pick? Instead of shopping for herself she had her eye on a pair for her dad's birthday. Since we often do gifts together it was a great deal for me and my part was going to be a great boot shoot with my in-laws, really more of a gift for us.
rain, couple photos, country outfitter, boots
We had one afternoon to take photos between us all going separate ways, but it started pouring rain about 20 minutes before we were set to shoot. At the last minute we decided to just go for it anyway and hope for the best, and I am so glad we did. The results were some great color and even a little fun with umbrellas and puddles.
rain, couple photos, country outfitter, boots

rain, couple photos, country outfitter, boots
If you are reading this post and wishing you could get your hands on a pair of these cutie boots you are in luck! Check out my boot giveaway sponsored by Country Outfitter.
rain, country outfitter, boots

1 comment:

Panamamama said...

Love these pics! So cute!

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