it's a boot giveaway y'all!!!

Once upon a time I was a girl going to a blogging conference in Arkansas with no boots in my bag.

Then there was a party and a room where the walls were all lined with boots just especially for all the bloggers.  There was a pair with my name on it, and even though we had all picked these boots out off of the Country Outfitter website, we still squealed like we had never seen them before.

What happened is hard to explain.  It's much more fun to see.

From the moment we slipped on our Country Outfitter boots we were all giddy.

These boots have been known to cause spontaneous laughter...
They might make you do a happy dance or kick up your heels...
Or even this...

Later there was even a surprise engagement and while it wasn't because of the boots, they couldn't have hurt...

Now I get to give a pair of boots (a $150 gift card to Country Outfitter!) to one of you!!!

This is so exciting that it is making me do that happy dance all over again!

So go....NOW!

1. You must CLICK HERE and submit your email address to enter. Country Outfitter will occasionally send you marketing messages. You are welcome to opt out at any time. Must be a US Resident 18 years and older. One entry per email address, but go tell your mama, sister, brother, hubby and bf....these boots are awesome!

2. Come back here and leave a comment telling me you entered and what you would love to wear your Country Outfitter boots with. *my favorite is boots with some bright tights and a dress.

True love is what I am feeling for Country Outfitter AND for my boots, but you should know that Country Outfitter, a retailer of Corral Women's boots sent me these brown and black marble Corral Vegas boots to review.


Georgia said...

Oh my willikies do I need some boots! I need some boots to wear with my dresses and my mom clothes so that my son and I will match, him as Woody and me as Momma Woody.

Krecia said...
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Krecia said...

Im Texas girl, so boots and jeans please!

Melany said...

I just need some boots, that's all.

Sarah said...

I really need some boots to wear with everything because Kate and her daddy both have some and I just feel like I should match them. And, I must say, I never would have dreamed that I'd ever see Whitney Loibner in cowboy boots!

Jennifer said...

surely if i keep entering these things I'll win one of them.

Jennifer said...

surely if i keep entering these things I'll eventually win.

The Walkers said...

Pick me pick me! I like to wear boots with boot cut jeans!

Amy said...

With jeans and a tee !!!

Rhonda Eubanks said...

I must say..."I was Country when Country wasn't cool..."
anybody out there old enough to remember that song by Barbara Mandrell? I was singing that song in the 70's! A new pair of boots would go with most everything I wear, but I love wearing them with tucked-in jeans and sweaters for the winter time!

Unknown said...

I'm gonna rock my boots with whatever I can round up or thrift that fits! Especially jeans, and skirts/dresses.

bny33 said...

I signed up and love cowboy boots!! Dresses jeans whatever looks great.

Anonymous said...

I entered & love to wear the perfect boots with the perfect pair of jeans! Carrie Sublett

Unknown said...

I would wear my boots with YOU! At a Señor Sunday, of course. (and with jeans and a big comfy sweater...the SNUGGLY kind)

Unknown said...

i entered!!! i want some boots to wear with my blue polka dotted dress:)

Shell (Panama-mama) said...

It was so much fun! If I win I'm getting Emily a pair. She's quite fashionable and who knows what she'd come up with!

Unknown said...

I would wear T-shirt and jeans, like a true cowgirl.

kaw said...

I'm pretty sure I would wear them with everything. Dresses. Jeans. Pajamas. Everything. Thanks for the giveaway!

Jennifer W said...

Jeans with a tee. But I want to try boots with a dress! Just need te boots!

Jen said...

Submitted my email! ( I would totally rock those boots in a pair of jeans or a dress!

Mom of 7 said...

I just entered bc I have never owned a pair of boots, and these are so cute!! If I win, can I get a fashion designer to tell me what to wear with them? ;) so cute!!

Jill Dillman said...

I would love to have these boots because it is fun for mom to have something new every once in a while too!!

Kate Greer said...

Boots make the perfect footwear for football games - sundresses - and scarf!

the day's said...

I NEED these boots to spice up my mom uniforms of dresses and tights! :)

dhall said...

i would wear boots with socks

Rebekah said...

Just entered!!!!! Super duper fun! I have a closet full of dresses and skinnies and button- ups that desperately need to be paired with a cute pair of Country Outfitter boots!!!!!

Julie said...

I submitted my email :)
I would love to wear a pair of boots with my tights and jean skirt

Melissa said...

Thanks for the great photo shoot! I got registered for a pair of boots for Miller!

Courtney Clark said...

I love to wear boots with... EVERYTHING! Dresses, jeans.. shorts. I love boots :3

Susanne said...

i just entered...i love to wear boots with a long tunic/dress, thick tights or leggings and a pretty scarf! would LOVE a pair of these beautiful boots!

Kelly said...

Hi I entered and love to wear my boots with dresses and tights!

Unknown said...

Entered, thank you! I'm all about boots and jeans but may mix it up this winter with color jeans or cords!

Megan said...

I entered! And I like boots paired with skinny jeans and a tunic.

Maddy M said...

I just entered! I'd rock these boots with any jeans and a great flannel top. This could be my first pair of cowgirl boots!

Stacey said...

I love boots! They make me feel spunky. :) I like to wear them with girly dresses or jeans.

Hayley Hall said...

I want to wear my boots with EVERYTHING! Especially with tights and dresses though :)

Taido said...

i would wear by boots with a tutu

Julieloibner said...

Love all your cute pictures of boots.

Brittany said...

Boots and a dress!

Patti said...

I entered and I would wear my boots with a cute little white dress!

Rhonda B. said...

I just entered!

I would get boots for my kids, since I already got my pair (which I adore!) Thanks!

Ellen said...

Just entered. Cowboy Boots...A Girls Best Friend. Thanks for the chance for me to get a new "Best Friend!"

Love wearing them with sundresses!

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