snow days and christmas deadlines

On Friday we had the treat of a snow day, a precious part of a southern winter. Weather that would be considered a normal winter day further north shuts things down. It is a beautiful thing. I can remember as a child moving to Arkansas after my family lived in Ohio for two years and the joy of a snow day. In Ohio we went to school in snow suits and boots and jumped in piles of snow on the way home, but here the smallest snow brought a day in your PJs, sipping hot chocolate and watching Christmas movies. It is a wonderful thing and there is a part of me that watches the weather with a childlike anticipation of a snow day.
Over the last three day, and I'm sure today too (another snow day), we have watched countless movies, drank hot chocolate, roasted marshmallows over endless fires, learned to crochet, sledded on ice, thrown snowballs, taken naps, read stories, and rarely gotten out of our PJs. It has been a wonderful treat and has us all feeling so excited for Christmas. Around here you never know if it will be cold or possibly 70 degrees at Christmas so we are enjoying what we get.

I would love to know your snow day traditions? Or just ways you and your family are looking forward to Christmas.
And while my mind is on Christmas here are a few deadlines and dates. Hope you are having a snow day too!

-Christmas order deadline is December 13th.
-Most orders will take 4-7 business days
-If interested you can check out my Christmas card options here
-Prints can be ordered directly from the site, but cards and disc ($400 for whole session disc) can be ordered from me via email

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