flower girl (AR senior photographer)

Time is the funniest thing. The way a day can seem so long, but then you turn around and many days have passed in the blink of an eye. As a young mother I remember so well how slowly the days passed with diapers and nap times and play dates and restless nights. But today as I look at my 10 and 12 year olds I truly have no clue where the time went. It makes me sentimental, but more than that it has helped me appreciate the days as they come....certainly easier to do on this side of the diapers and such.
Time really must fly because as I shot these photos (last spring....time got away) I couldn't help but see, behind this beautiful young woman's eyes, the glimmer of my two year old flower girl. Big grins as she stood atop a heater vent on a cold December day and spun circles while her dress made a bubble around her. What a joy to stand on this side of time and see the woman she has become. A love for music and photography and Jesus. She is a part of my framily, because these friends are more like family. And I can't wait to see what time has for her.

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