cruising day 3...Barbados

barbados, Caribbean cruise, virgin islands, cruise, beach
Day three we ported in beautiful Barbados. My parents took a taxi to the shopping area in town and said it wasn't the best stop for shopping. We got off the boat and took a taxi, which is really a van that is filled with other people off the boat that are going to the same place or near you. Our travel agent told us about the Boatyard Beach where you pay (i think $12 each) to go on a private beach with a chair, umbrella, ocean trampoline, rope swing, restaurant and one drink included.
barbados, Caribbean cruise, virgin islands, cruise, beach, boatyard beach, boatyard beach barbados
It was a really pretty spot and Wilson's favorite of all the ports. I spent the day taking in the view from my chair while the boys rode the waves, swung from ropes, and built sand castles.
barbados, Caribbean cruise, virgin islands, cruise, beach, boatyard beach, boatyard beach barbados

barbados, Caribbean cruise, virgin islands, cruise, beach, boatyard beach, boatyard beach barbados

barbados, Caribbean cruise, virgin islands, cruise, beach, boatyard beach, boatyard beach barbados
My favorite part about this day was the flexibility. We got off the boat slowly this morning and your entry fee at the beach includes a shuttle back to the beach whenever you are ready to leave. We made it back on the boat for a late lunch and more time on the slides before cleaning up for dinner and setting sail.
barbados, Caribbean cruise, virgin islands, cruise, victory cruise

barbados, Caribbean cruise, virgin islands, cruise, victory cruise

barbados, Caribbean cruise, virgin islands, cruise, victory cruise
Every night on the boat we took in the sunset, but this night it was extra special. The water was so blue and the sky so golden.
barbados, Caribbean cruise, virgin islands, cruise, victory cruise

barbados, Caribbean cruise, virgin islands, cruise, victory cruise

At dinner this night we looked over our fun times and decided to head to the battle of the sexes game show and that we would stick around for some bingo.

barbados, Caribbean cruise, virgin islands, cruise, victory cruise

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