cruising day 4...St Lucia

St Lucia, carnival cruise, victory cruise
On day four we woke up in St Lucia. With colorful buildings and lush rolling hills St Lucia was so beautiful even if you only see it from the boat, which we did. While the boat all but emptied my boys and I found a great spot near the pool, hot tub and slide and took in the view of St Lucia from the Lido deck. I think making the most of the ports is really the best plan, but I also think it's important to know your boundaries. Our boys were longing for a day by the pool and to not have any plans so though I would love to have explored the island I think our time was better spent on the boat.
St Lucia, carnival cruise, victory cruise

St Lucia, carnival cruise, victory cruise
My parents got off the boat and hired a driver for a tour of the island and it's highlights including a view of the famous St Lucia pitons. We were able to see the pitons in the distance as we set sail this night. We also saw dolphins as we left the port, a highlight for Campbell.
St Lucia, carnival cruise, victory cruise
Each night at dinner we made guesses about what animal we would have waiting for us in our cabin. Sometimes we guessed the animal or other times we would each pick a letter that the animal would start with. The towel animals and chocolate waiting on our pillow was a defiant highlight for my boys.
St Lucia, carnival cruise, victory cruise

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