faces (little rock, arkansas baby photographer)


baby, 5 months, arkansas photographer, whitney loibner

As my own oldest child approaches the double digits this month I am finding myself feeling a little nostalgic. Filled with memories of a time not so long ago when he was a wee little one. With the nostalgia comes a longing to hold him a little more, while he will still let me...in the safety of our home, not anywhere within a 1/2 mile radius of his school. I also find that I am becoming the lady at parties or functions that is constantly asking to hold a baby, I have never before been this lady. We are growing up.

baby, 5 months, arkansas, photographer
The result seems to be that I have become that person, the person telling people how quickly the time will fly. How even though I do remember how slow one day could seem, all the days and months and years will pass and you will find yourself being the lady that begs to hold almost strangers babies. Luckily I get to see some pretty cute babies and spend hours making baby faces and silly noises. I do really love my job. 

baby faces

Just last week I got to hang out with this adorable little man and we had a lot of fun making faces at each other.  

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