Unseasonably cold temperatures and three straight days of gray skies and drizzling rain have contributed to my feeling a little blue this week, but it is helping me to wade out of my gloom to look at these photos.
I took these senior pictures on a cool, but beautiful, sunny day last week, and we had a wonderful time.

I've said before that I love working with seniors because they are at such an exciting time in their lives. They are anticipating great change ahead, and in their youth, it seems that they are able to major on excitement and minor on fear. They have their whole lives in front of them, and often, they are taking it in stride.
This season is full. It is spring and prom and graduation and dreams about the future. The sky is the limit.
It makes me smile.
Ethan and I had a great time with this shoot. The locations all fit Ethan's personality, bringing out things he likes, including his love of the outdoors.
All the places we went to were either new to me or places I had not taken pictures in a long time. I love that!
These first stops were all a build up to our final shooting point.
Since Ethan is an avid duck hunter, we ended the shoot in a swampy area with lots of Cypress trees. We were surrounded by ducks and geese. It was incredibly beautiful!
The cherry on top of the already perfect evening was when Ethan pulled out his waders and headed into the water.
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