smiles (arkansas children's photographer)

baby, brown hair, coca cola crate, coke crate
 Last year I was beyond excited when one of my oldest friends told me that she was pregnant for the first time.  We grew up together and I was overjoyed when she married a guy I love, and now the news that they were having a baby filled my heart.  The road to becoming a mother had been a long one for my friend, so we were celebrating all the more this exciting time in her life
baby, brown hair, baby cheeks

Her pregnancy progressed well.  She looked beautiful and she rocked heels the whole time she was pregnant!   
baby, brown hair, football leggings,
 When it was time for her to have her baby, all went smoothly with her delivery, but on day two of her little boy's life, some complications landed this sweet new family in the NICU.  For a few days, things were very scary.
baby smile, cute faces

Soon later, he was fine and my friend and her husband got to go home with their beautiful baby boy.  I took his newborn photos last winter and so I was amazed to see how he's grown when I took his pictures again this summer.

He is sitting up and laughing and still working that beautiful brown hair.

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