newborn info (little rock, arkansas newborn photographer)

When I am approached about newborn photos, a job I adore, I have a few things that I let my clients know. We usually have talked before the birth and have a few days picked out that might work. I like to shoot a newborn in the first two weeks, ten days if possible. Then we plan for me to be in the clients home or shoot in my home and we talk about ideas for the shoot. I show up for the shoot, which is generally 2-4 hours with brakes for soothing and feeding, with some props, a heater, and plenty of baby wipes. I have the client collect props they want used and maybe some baskets and blankets to have on hand.
Usually by shooting in these first few days of life we are working with a sleepy newborn who is still all cuddled up and easily tucked into different poses.
In a rare treat we might get a few open eye shots, but these are much more likely on the second shoot which I call smiles, sometime between 2-4 months. I do offer a newborn package which is 3 sessions in the first year for $200 in sitting fees (a $100 discount).
happy monday!

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