carnival victory cruise...Instagram Travel Thursday

Way back in December our family set off on an adventure to Puerto Rico. We had a gorgeous flight over pink skies and open seas that we would soon be sailing. Once in San Juan, which is a gorgeous city and on my list of places to return, we spent one night and then boarded the Carnival Victory for a cruise of the Virgin Islands.

My favorite part about this cruise was the itinerary. It was a seven day sailing with five unbelievable beautiful stops in St Thomas, St Maarten, Barbados, St Kitts and St Lucia. We woke every morning to spectacular views and had the opportunity to explore all the islands and still return "home" to the boat and it's wonderful staff in the evenings.

The one fun day at sea was New Years day and a great day to catch up on sleep and lay in the sun after a late night of New Years Eve partying.

I am a girl who loves the water and even more when it comes in every shade of bright blue so I never tired of these views. 

Most nights we took in the sunset from a balcony with a fruit drink in hand.

And maybe the best part of all was that at the end of the cruise we still had a day to explore San Juan. I can't say enough how amazing Old Town San Juan is. It is filled with gorgeous homes and doors and the whole old town is surrounded by a wall and fort. The fort was possibly my kids favorite part of our trip. It sits on a cliff and for a small fee you can walk all through and explore the grounds. Amazing.

Today I am linking up with #IGtravelthursday and hoping that this will encourage me to blog about our travels. We are a family who loves to travel and I often let it get away from me without sharing our trips here. Traveling with our kids is a priority for our family and though it is not always pretty, and sometimes includes big bags of cheetos or too much time on an iPad to get where we are going, it is precious time and we are making memories beyond compare.
Happy Thursday

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